Artist unknown

Never happened.

1 min readJun 22, 2021


“I’ve missed that way,
Your way…
Those eyes full of wonder.”

“ Yeah.
I have always had that way with you,
I guess..

I’m sorry.”


“That I can’t make it less awkward really.
This is what we have to do it with.”


You feel far away.

Yes, I guess this is it.”

I don’t know.
There is just so much history here,
With us,
That I carry…
And this will always be there,
Within the reach of a heartbeat.”

“You seem happy here though.”


“Am I not seeing well?”

“No, you are.
You are.
But isn’t, in the end, every moment,
like this one as well,
a place in time that fades too often too soon?”

“You always had your way with words.
One of the reasons...
You know…
Anyway, your wife must be head over heels.”

“She thinks I’m making words more complicated than they need to be.
That’s what I do well.
You know that.”

“You feel different.

You know what I see?”

“Hmm… what is it that you see?”

“A man finally owning his place.
His power…
…the man I‘ve always seen.”

Yes, you’re right.”

“Yes… I see…

And where am I?”


