Artist unknown


1 min readJul 12, 2017


I wake up, on this island
Hiding deep underneath my bed
And sea of lust devouring waves
- O yes they speak to me
And a flood of disbelieves
Is all I can here see

We are alone here,
on this island
Can now taste destruction
This savoury all around you
O baby don’t forget to pull the weight
You go on and slip inside
Push my mind around
It’s softer than the land
I am consulting, o o oh
It’s so fitting,
don’t you see?

I sense you here, on my island
So I build you a big machine
Draw a space of sensitivities in me
And then I push my mind around you
Crumble on you touching me
I’ll contract when you react
In our game of makebelieves

I’ll go down, with this island
So tonight I’ll tuck you in
Together we’ll dance
Hand-in-hand, on the soft side
And hey you baby,
Tonight you’re like a lullaby
All around you
All around us
In our space of wishbelieves

